Justine Everett, Juanita Bourque, and Sylvia Reentovich are anchored by their common Acadian culture and love for three-part-harmony.
About Us
Harmony is everything to Les Chanterelles, and that extends far beyond the tightly woven vocals that have become synonymous with this trio. In their music, as well as in their busy lives of juggling careers and motherhood, alongside the creative impulses of being part of a vocal group, harmony is essential. Together, Justine Everett, Juanita Bourque and Sylvia Reentovich hold the focus as they seamlessly weave three part harmonies into every song they sing. From their growing list of originals, that speak through the lens of life as a woman in today’s world, to thoughtful cover material plucked from heritage artists who have shaped their sound through the forge of influence, Les Chanterelles find a way to apply their own style and charm to the music they perform.
During their brief history, Les Chanterelles have already performed a highly anticipated Harvest Music debut in 2021. Earlier that same year they were also featured on CBC’s East Coast Hour, during their Story and The Song series, where they contributed an original composition. In May 2022 they released their debut EP to a positive reception.
At the end of the day, Les Chanterelles goals and ambitions are honestly humble. They want to continue as writers–delivering songs of connection. They know that as they travel to share their stories through song, they will no doubt meet great people about whom they’ll write more songs.